Audrey Zibelman

An expert in power transformation systems, regulation, markets and operations, Audrey Zibelman brings a depth of passion and expertise to the Conference and we look forward to learning from her on how we can all work together to make power that is cleaner, more reliable and affordable for all.

Profile photo of Lynne Gallagher

Lynne Gallagher
CEO, Energy Consumers Australia

As CEO of Energy Consumers Australia, Lynne will share her views on how the transformation of Australia’s energy system needs more than just technical solutions – ensuring consumers have genuine choice and control and are provided with suitable information, data, & new affordable technology options to support change.

Lynne is an economist/econometrician by qualification and has substantial experience in economic modelling and policy reform processes, including working with the Council of Australian Governments, and in strategic issues management in the corporate sector. Her career has seen her spend 15 years in a technical environment, followed by 12 years in practice and as an adviser. Source

profile photo of richard day

Richard Day
Director Strategy, Policy and Communications, SA Govt

Richard will share insights into South Australia’s clean energy journey, transforming from 0% to 68% renewables in just 15 years, exiting coal fired electricity generation, and successfully integrating a world leading share of variable renewables and rooftop solar PV. Richard will share the lessons learned along the way as well as where to next as South Australia looks towards becoming a renewable energy exporter.

Richard joined the South Australian Government in 2001 and since that time has worked across the energy, climate change, industry and low carbon economy portfolios. He currently heads up a Directorate within the Department of Energy and Mining that is charged with capturing the economic growth and decarbonisation opportunities associated with South Australia’s clean energy transformation towards net 100% renewables, as well as sharing this story with the world.

Richard has spearheaded the development of SA’s Hydrogen Roadmap, Hydrogen Action Plan, Hydrogen Export Modelling Tool, and overseen the development of the State’s Electric Vehicle Action Plan. He is passionate about opportunities to further grow and attract energy intensive value-added industries to SA and export South Australia’s renewables to the world as low carbon products.